Beloit Health System Stays Committed to Creating New Community Hospital
- Category: Announcements, News, Community
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- Written By: Alyssa Kelly WIFR
Check out the recent news article and interview with Dr. Roger Kapoor, where he discusses our ongoing efforts to establish the NorthPointe Neighborhood Hospital.
For the full interview and more information, visit:
"ROSCOE, Ill. (WIFR) - The Beloit Health System is taking new steps to expand Roscoe’s NorthPointe Wellness Facility into a community hospital.
Roger Kapoor, the system’s vice president, said they’re committed to expanding access to quality health care in the Roscoe and greater Winnebago County communities.
“We’ve recently submitted some supplementary information that was requested by the board to provide some further clarification about the neighborhood hospital,” said Kapoor.
Beloit Health Systems’ initial application to expand at NorthPointe in Roscoe was turned down by the Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board. Members of the system re-grouped to create a stronger proposal that will be brought to a board meeting in March.
“Our proposal is essentially in line with a project that the board recently approved from one of our competitors who, not unexpectedly, is apposing our project,” said Kapoor.
Kapoor explained the strengthened proposal includes a 24-7 emergency department, in-patient beds, more testing capabilities and additional specialty care.
“Ultimately it’s designed to fill a critical gap in local health care, reducing the need again for those long trips to Rockford or the increasing number of people who are literally crossing state lines for the nearest emergency medical care,” said Kapoor.
Kapoor said this project is not just about a building, it’s about the people. So far, community members have shared positive reviews about the idea.
“I think that’s great for the community, for the area, I think this land that you see around us is great, they have room to grow,” said Brandon Ingram, a NorthPointe Wellness member. “I think it’s nothing but positive things for Roscoe, Rockton, the stateline area.”
Kapoor encourages residents to stay engaged and to voice opinions to allow the Beloit Health System to continue to strengthen its proposal."